An opportunity to turn wasteful into useful

Every year, roughly 12 million tons of fabric go into landfills in the United States. Fast fashion, old bedding, or fabric scraps that are too small to use (remnants) are frequently discarded. Fabric is hard to recycle and turn into new fiber, and takes anywhere from 10 to 200 years to decompose depending on the content.

My mission is simple: instead of recycling scraps, I want to repurpose them, give them a second life, and turn them into something useful. So much of what is discarded is full of beauty — waiting to be found, rearranged, and restored to its new purpose. I hope you will see what I see in these remnants, and join me in my project to reduce textile waste.


About me

I am drawn to math and puzzles but also have an affinity for art and design. After getting degrees in computer science and graphic design, I feared I would never be satisfied with a career focused solely on coding or design. I ended up in Silicon Valley, and found creating at night to be the perfect antidote to my stressful tech-heavy days. I started sewing at an early age and have been collecting extra fabric for a while. After having kids, I became more conscious of the amount of waste we produce and felt compelled to do what I could to reduce our impact. The result is this project— a thread joining the many parts of my life into a single idea. -Mojdeh